Publications fund 2008-2009
Documentation relating to the administration of a UK Film Council grant to the BFFS from its Publications Fund to support the production of the Community Cinema Sourcebook
Questionnaires sent out in 1998/99
Surveys returned to the BFFS by film societies about their membership and activities
Regional groups
Records of the BFFS's various regional groups and the Regional Development Unit
Regional volunteer coordinator 2008-09
Documents relating to the management and coordination of the BFFS's regional groups
Report of the planning committee - London, April 1962
A report produced the BFFS Planning Committee summarising the current state of the organisation and the sector and proposing plans for future development
Resourcing your success
A talk delivered by the BFFS's Ros Hil in 2008 at an unknown occasion introducing the Community Cinema Sourcebook
Results from FSU Questionnaire sent to societies June 1989
An analysis of questionnaire responses from film societies relating to their activities and membership in 1989, produced by the BFI's Film Societies Unit
Richard Boyd projectors report
A report and associated correspondence relating to the provision of portable projectors to film societies, including records of the lending out of Veronese projectors and the issues associated with this
Roles and responsibilities of regional groups
A document outlining the roles and responsibilities of the BFFS' regional groups. Draft version 1. One copy held in the archive has handwritten notes indicating potential amendments
Sourcebook orders
Order forms and correspondence from member societies relating to the BFFS's Community Cinema Coursebook
Starter Packs
Correspondence and records relating to the establishment of new film societies and their applications for membership of the BFFS
Statistical analysis of voluntary film exhibition in the UK
An analysis of the sector produced for the BFFS in 2003
Table plan - national conference 2008
A seating plan for the dinner at the 2008 BFFS national conference
The Case for Rural Cinema
A report produced for East Midlan Arts, Eastern Arts and the BFI
The constitution
A model offered by BFFS to new film societies as a practical guide to the minimum acceptable requirements for a constitution
The Film Society Book 1989
The Film Society Book, a guide produced by the BFFS to setting up and running a film society. This version dates from 1989.
The Film Society Book 1990
The Film Society Book, a guide produced by the BFFS to setting up and running a film society. This version dates from 1990.
The Film Society Book 2000
The Film Society Book, a guide produced by the BFFS to setting up and running a film society. This version dates from 2000.
Trustees documents
Documents relating to the appointment and activities of trustees of the British Federation of Film Societies
A folder of correspondence and reports relating to the relationship between the BFFS and the UK Film Council. Folder 1 of 2
A folder of correspondence and reports relating to the relationship between the BFFS and the UK Film Council. Folder 2 of 2
Visit reports
Reports prepared by BFFS staff following visits to community cinemas across the UK
Website documents
Documents relating to the development of the BFFS website
Welcome to the 2008 national conference
The text of the opening address of the BFFS's 2008 national conference delivered by Ros Hill